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Lime for Paper Applications

Quicklime (calcium oxide), hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide), and limestone (calcium carbonate) have a diverse range of functionality in the paper industry. 

Calcium Oxide for Pulp

MLC™ Quicklime is a key component of the sulfate process in pulp plants, where it is used to recausticize a waste calcium carbonate solution and regenerate sodium hydroxide for reuse in the process. Its exceptionally high and consistent whiteness results in a whiter, brighter paper. 

Limestone for Paper Coatings & Filler

CalCarb® Calcium Carbonate can be used in both paper coating and as a paper filler. 

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC)

MLC™ Quicklime and Hydrated Lime are essential raw materials used in the PCC manufacturing process.

MLC has merchant PCC facilities located at our Ste. Genevieve site. Precipitated calcium carbonates are also manufactured in satellite facilities that are on-site or next to a paper making facility.  
